Looking to upgrade your home, your kids’ school, your life? The Cedar Rapids Metro region is where that happens. Here we boast about our five seasons: fall, winter, spring, summer and the fifth season—time to enjoy the other four seasons and time to enjoy life, your family and truly find that balance between work and fun. That’s because we don’t spend a lot of time stuck in traffic or waiting to get into a store or event. Life is simply easier here!
From apple orchards to award-winning wineries and distilleries, bike trails to dog parks, concert and event venues to fine dining—the Cedar Rapids Metro has the same offerings as most larger cities, yet with small town vibes, a lower cost-of-living and easier access to about everything.
If you own a company or run a business, it’s easier in the Cedar Rapids Metro to reach the local decision-makers. We strive to make it an effortless process for businesses to grow or relocate here. You won’t have to jump through hoops or wait weeks for a phone call back. It’s like having your own backstage pass (except it’s for your business!)
With our higher-speed internet access, it’s easy to work remotely here. And our remote workers love the opportunity to have time for life and living it after they shut down the laptop for the day.
Looking for a higher-paying job? We’ve got them. Cedar Rapids Metro is home to many Fortune 500 companies that are brimming with opportunities in space and aviation, education technology, bioscience, agriculture, food processing, manufacturing and more.
Want to branch out and start your own business? We’ve got you covered there as well. Our region is known for its innovation and entrepreneurial history (check out Collins Aerospace, Van Meter, CRST International, Quaker Oats, or Lil’ Drug Store Products—all have their roots here thanks to local self-starters.) And we have local business incubators standing by to help the next round of entrepreneurs.
Tired of paying high-priced tuition at private schools? Here you’ll find award-winning public schools and some of the best (and most affordable) colleges, universities and community colleges. With 21 higher- learning institutions within 100 miles, there is opportunity for everyone at any age to further their education.
That Iowa Nice thing you may have heard about? Yeah, it’s for real. We will say “hello” and “nice to have you here” and we will genuinely mean it. We’re known for having our neighbors’ backs and sticking together through tough times. We’ll do the same for you.
So, consider leaving the big city rat race for a better pace and place. This is Iowa. Here you can live.
Cedar Rapids Metro population
Median Age
Gardenview Homes
3001 Belle St SW Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404